Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten2 days ago
Health Breaking: Medical Cannabis Commission finds ‘potential inconsistencies’ in license scoring An independent review of the scoring metrics could lead to the commission choosing to award the licenses to different entities. Jacob HolmesJune 16, 2023
Party politics Bryan Taylor uses ALGOP chair statement out of context in bid for Chief Justice ALGOP chairman John Wahl clarified that the quote used by Taylor should not be taken as an endorsement. Jacob HolmesJune 16, 2023
State Alabama DHR seeking foster homes for elderly, disabled adults Many adults are placed somewhere other than their own homes because of a high risk for abuse, neglect and exploitation. Jacob HolmesJune 16, 2023
Governor Gov. Ivey signs grocery tax reduction into law The reduction comes after decades of attempts to reduce or eliminate the grocery tax. Patrick DarringtonJune 16, 2023
Education ASU to receive a $2 million grant to help prevent violence in public schools The project will target five MPS elementary schools for comprehensive interventions to reduce school violence. Patrick DarringtonJune 16, 2023
Education Third grade literacy dips The two percentage point decrease may be partly due to an updated a curriculum and test. Samuel StettheimerJune 16, 2023
Congress Sen. Britt introduces Chinese Currency Accountability Act It would require the treasury secretary to oppose any future International Monetary Fund (IMF) elevations of China's official currency. StaffJune 16, 2023
News Alabama DHR announces 7th round of child care bonuses DHR has awarded 8,430 grants to providers since the initiative was announced in November 2021. StaffJune 16, 2023
Congress Britt joins McConnell leadership team as an adviser Britt said the opportunity gives Alabama a better seat at the table as the Senate leadership makes decisions. Jacob HolmesJune 15, 2023
Courts No electronic bingo, no problem for VictoryLand After replacing the electronic bingo machines with historical horse racing machines, business at the venue has picked up. Josh MoonJune 15, 2023