Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten1 day ago
Education Governor: Alabama First Class Pre-K Program to expand The department will initially add 69 classrooms in 30 counties this fall, providing seats for more than 1,200 children. StaffJune 21, 2023
Governor Gov. Ivey awards grants for law enforcement domestic violence training The Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence is using the funds for a statewide training to enhance responses to assist victims. StaffJune 21, 2023
State State librarian: Book challenges are nothing new Dr. Nancy Pack pointed to past clashes over book censorship as the template for defending the freedom to read in the latest wave. Jacob HolmesJune 20, 2023
Elections Alabama Forestry Association endorses Bill Cole for Court of Criminal Appeals Cole is seeking reelection to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals in the 2024 primary. StaffJune 20, 2023
Prisons ADOC captain accused of retaliating against incarcerated individual Bernard Jemison says he's being retaliated against over videos showing medical neglect and conditions in ADOC prisons. Patrick DarringtonJune 19, 2023
Courts Federal court sets July deadline for new Alabama voting maps The new maps are necessary after a ruling from the Supreme Court found the state's 2020 maps were discriminatory. Josh MoonJune 19, 2023
Party politics DNC to investigate Alabama Democrats after bylaws changes The DNC's Executive Committee voted to initiate the investigation during a meeting on Saturday. Josh MoonJune 19, 2023
State Republicans threaten Alabama Archives funding over LGBT history lecture After the Alabama Archives hosted a lecture on LGBT history in Alabama, Republicans are threatening its funding. Patrick DarringtonJune 19, 2023
State Montgomery celebrates Juneteenth weekend Montgomery celebrated Juneteenth on Saturday commemorating the freedom of enslaved people in America. Jacob HolmesJune 19, 2023
Congress Rogers protests Afghanistan withdrawal report Rogers' unpublished letter rejects the AAR as untrue, inconsistent, and overly redacted. Samuel StettheimerJune 19, 2023