Education State Superintendent Mackey reassures Board of Education amid federal cuts Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change. Mary Claire Wooten20 hours ago
Aerospace and Defense Air Force awards millions to Birmingham-based AI startup The projects would detect foreign objects on airfields and improve perimeter security at Air Force installations. Samuel StettheimerJuly 4, 2023
State Leaked Patriot Front communications reveal Huntsville man’s application The man indicated he works for a Department of Defense contractor in missile systems and noted Jews as the major threat to America. Jacob HolmesJuly 4, 2023
News Declaration of Independence: A Transcription We hold these truths to be self-evident... StaffJuly 4, 2023
News Mobile pastors condemn public support and funding for LGBTQ+ Pride events The pastors state that they oppose “sexually-focused activities” in public places “where children may be places in danger.” Patrick DarringtonJuly 3, 2023
Aerospace and Defense Alabama leaders haggle for more growth at Paris Air Show The Department of Commerce, including Secretary Greg Canfield, formally held 15 meetings with aerospace companies. Samuel StettheimerJuly 3, 2023
News Opinion | Nothing left to lose? President Ronald Reagan said that the acid test of a nation's liberty and system of government is determined by the gate test. Will SellersJuly 3, 2023
Economy Gov. Ivey announces four Alabama metro area unemployment in the nation “Alabama’s metro areas continue to shine as for the fourth consecutive month we have multiple metro areas ranking in the top 10 for lowest... StaffJuly 3, 2023
Elections Opinion | The new “fairness” of college selection Finally, the college selection process will not be based on race ... even if most every other factor leading up to that is. Josh MoonJuly 3, 2023
Public safety Did Patriot Front members in Prattville skirt KKK-era anti-masking law? The Georgia Supreme Court ruled, "A nameless, faceless figure strikes terror in the human heart. But, remove the mask, and the nightmarish form is... Jacob HolmesJuly 3, 2023
Congress Misrepresentation of Congressional map at hearing—mistaking or misleading? The CLC map was not a potential plan, but an example of the state's overreach when drawing district lines. Jacob HolmesJuly 2, 2023