Marshall, ever the political opportunist, instead chose to frame the governor’s decision as an affront to his authority rather than an act of conscience.
A fundraiser this week will be raising money to better the well-being of Alabama’s children. Alabama Children First, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization focused on...
Saturday, Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) addressed the Shelby County Republican Women. “We have got a pretty tough row to hoe going forward,” Palmer said...
Thursday, Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Saks, told constituents in Moody that the strong economy is due to Republican policies. “When the new Congress came in...
Friday, Alabama Commerce Secretary Greg Canfield announced that, “Alabama Breaks Employment Record Again; 2.1+ Million People Working! Average Weekly Wages Highest in 11 Years.”...
Democrat House District 30 nominee, Jared Vaughn, recently commented on the controversy surrounding Republican nominee B. Craig Lipscomb. GOP opponent Robert McKay is asking...
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) has been notified that its Snapper Check harvest reporting program used to monitor red snapper...
On Thursday, Republican Primary House District 30 candidate Robert McKay filed suit in Etowah County asking the court to have his Republican primary runoff...