National Riley Gaines, Trump push national PBM reform as Alabama debates state bills The legislation comes as independent pharmacies across the state continue to close. Staff12 hours ago
Congress Carl, Brooks vote against removing Confederate statues from U.S. Capitol A minority of 67 Republicans joined with House Democrats in support, while 120 Republicans voted against the resolution. Brandon MoseleyJune 30, 2021
Congress Tuberville owned stock in Chinese firm as candidate Tuberville has introduced a bill to ban U.S. government investments in Chinese companies. Eddie BurkhalterJune 28, 2021
Congress Shelby expresses concerns over defense cuts Many in Congress have expressed concern over the declining numbers of ships that the U.S. Navy is able to deploy at any given time. Brandon MoseleyJune 28, 2021
Congress Rogers says the budget should be focused more on China, less on climate issues Congressman Mike Rogers wrote an op-ed Tuesday in Defense News in which he criticized President Joe Biden’s budget priorities. Brandon MoseleyJune 25, 2021
Congress Shelby concerned over decreased funding request for Army Shelby questioned top U.S. Army officials during a defense subcommittee hearing to review the president’s funding request. Brandon MoseleyJune 24, 2021
Congress Rogers opposes repeal of the 2002 Iraq AUMF Rogers, ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, spoke on the floor against the repeal of the 2002 AUMF. Brandon MoseleyJune 24, 2021
Congress Brooks receives Conservative Achievement Award for 2020 voting record Brooks’ 2020 ACU rating was 56 percentage points higher than the average member of Congress. Brandon MoseleyJune 24, 2021
National Marshall applauds Supreme Court win in religious freedom case Alabama and 12 other states filed an amicus brief in Fulton v. Philadelphia in support of Catholic Social Services. Brandon MoseleyJune 22, 2021
Courts DOJ warns states against laws that discriminate against transgender youth The DOJ in court filings Thursday warned two states that laws there would not survive the legal challenges. Eddie BurkhalterJune 18, 2021
Courts Supreme Court upholds Obamacare, rules against Alabama AG Marshall The failed attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act is the third brought before the U.S. Supreme Court. Eddie BurkhalterJune 18, 2021