Sunday, Alabama leaders reacted to the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller Report that there was no evidence of collusion between the President and...
Sunday, Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, said that the findings of the Mueller Report “completely vindicate” President Trump and his 2016 campaign from charges of...
Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr on Friday. The report ends the lengthy investigation into allegations that...
Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama, is fighting against a Trump administration proposal that would implement budget cuts or delay funding for Alabama military projects in...
Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama, is leading a bipartisan effort to urge the U.S. Department of Commerce to release its report on whether imported automobiles...
The President of the Montgomery based Southern Poverty Law Center, Richard Cohen, announced that he is resigning amidst a growing scandal and allegations surrounding...