Today is the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Terrorists seized four American airliners filled with passengers by force and...
Big ships are coming. On Tuesday, the Alabama State Port Authority announced that it has received federal authorization to deepen the Mobile Harbor, allowing...
Monday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said that the goal of recent efforts by the DNC “are achieving compliance with our Charter and...
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall announced Tuesday that the Alabama Attorney General’s Office has become an inaugural member of the American Consumer Financial Innovation...
Tuesday, U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) conducted a committee markup of the FY2020 Department of Defense Appropriations Act. “The Subcommittee meets this morning to...
Monday, the Alabama Marijuana Study Commission met for the second time to consider making a recommendation to the state legislature on legalizing medical marijuana...
On Sunday, U.S. Senator Doug Jones kicked off his re-election campaign with a rally of five hundred people in Birmingham. Alabama Republican Party Chairman...