Congress Rep. Strong promotes Ella Sullins to Chief of Staff Strong promoted Ella Sullins, his legislative director, to chief of staff, recognizing her seven years of Capitol Hill experience. Staff15 hours ago
National Congressman-elect Jerry Carl names chief of staff Carl announced that Chad Carlough will be his chief of staff. Brandon MoseleyDecember 1, 2020
National Supreme Court rules that churches can meet despite COVID restrictions Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the three “liberal” justices in opposing the ruling. New Justice Amy Coney Barret was the deciding vote siding... Brandon MoseleyNovember 30, 2020
National USDA is seeking rural energy grant applications The deadlines to apply for grants is Feb. 1, 2021, and March 31, 2021. Applications for loan guarantees are accepted year-round. Brandon MoseleyNovember 28, 2020
National Trump says that coronavirus vaccine deliveries will begin within two weeks Trump said that front-line workers, medical personnel and senior citizens would be the vaccine's first recipients. Brandon MoseleyNovember 28, 2020
Health Will vaccines protect against mutated strains of coronavirus? Public health experts say it will be some time before vaccines are available to the wider public. Eddie BurkhalterNovember 27, 2020
National UAB cancels third game The only remaining game on UAB’s schedule is a game at Rice on Dec. 12. Brandon MoseleyNovember 27, 2020
National Today is Thanksgiving Today is a national and state holiday. Schools, banks, government offices and many private businesses are closed. Brandon MoseleyNovember 26, 2020
National Civil rights leader Bruce Boynton dies at 83 The Dallas County Courthouse Annex will be renamed in honor of Boynton and fellow Civil Rights Movement leader J.L. Chestnut. Brandon MoseleyNovember 25, 2020
National Roby warns Americans to be careful this Thanksgiving Congresswoman Roby urged Alabamians to adjust Thanksgiving holiday activities to avoid spreading the coronavirus. Brandon MoseleyNovember 25, 2020
Governor Governor announces 3rd year of record Alabama foster care adoptions In the 2020 fiscal year, there were 814 foster care adoptions, which is an all-time record for the state. StaffNovember 25, 2020