National Riley Gaines, Trump push national PBM reform as Alabama debates state bills The legislation comes as independent pharmacies across the state continue to close. Staff23 hours ago
Congress Palmer introduces bill to ensure accurate abortion reporting data If passed, the bill would mandate accurate reporting of abortion data to the CDC. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 1, 2021
Congress Billboards raised asking for Brooks to resign Billboards will go up in Alabama’s 5th Congressional District urging Brooks to resign. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 1, 2021
Congress Moore, Carl cosponsor Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act It would require medical care for babies who survive abortion procedures and impose criminal penalties for failure to provide care. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 30, 2021
National Brooks cosponsors bill to preserve immigration restrictions until after COVID crisis This bill preserves restrictions until state and federal lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, curfews and the like end. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 29, 2021
National Carl says Biden’s moratorium on oil and gas leases on public lands will cost jobs The U.S. is the largest producer of oil and gas in the world. Biden says his policy is necessary to fight climate change. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 29, 2021
National The federal eviction moratorium has been extended, but is it enough? "The CDC moratorium helps a lot of people but not everybody," one Alabama Arise policy analyst said. Moriah MasonJanuary 28, 2021
National Former Trump campaign official says he didn’t attend Jan. 5 meeting David Bossie, former President Donald Trump’s deputy campaign manager, told APR that he didn’t attend the meeting in question. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 27, 2021
National Trump appointee put Tuberville in Jan. 5 meeting at White House before editing post The edits changed the venue of the Jan. 5 meeting from the White House to Trump's hotel. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 27, 2021
National Photos put Tuberville in Trump’s hotel on Jan. 5 despite denying meeting The photos and Facebook post put Tuberville, Donald Trump Jr., Peter Navarro, Rudy Giuliani and others at the Trump hotel on Jan. 5. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 27, 2021
National Tuberville votes against Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Yellen is the first woman to lead the Treasury in American history and was confirmed by the Senate 84 to 15. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 27, 2021