Governor Gov. Ivey signs bill to establish Alabama Veterans Resource Center Senate Bill 70 outlines the creation of the Alabama Veterans Resource Center as a public corporation governed by an 11-member board. StaffFebruary 28, 2025
Governor Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signs bills approving prison construction into law The $1.3 billion prison construction and renovation package includes using $400 million in federal COVID aid. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 1, 2021
Governor Governor says the need for addressing prison conditions is urgent Ivey said the prison crisis is not the fault of any one administration, but is due to “decades upon decades of neglect.” Brandon MoseleySeptember 22, 2021
Governor Governor Ivey announces more local projects funded by Rebuild Alabama There were nine projects selected, with project applicants contributing a total of $4.2 million in local matching funds. StaffSeptember 20, 2021
Governor Governor Ivey accepts resignation of State Treasurer John McMillan, appoints Young Boozer “I commend Treasurer McMillan for his diligent service to the state of Alabama and wish him well in his new endeavor,” Governor Ivey said. StaffSeptember 17, 2021
Governor Ivey inferred Facebook banned campaign account due to post about Biden Facebook says Ivey's campaign account was mistakenly flagged as an imposter account. Ivey's campaign provided no evidence the action was over the post. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 14, 2021
Economy Ivey joins groundbreaking of Wellborn Cabinet’s factory expansion in Ashland The expansion will add capacity and jobs while improving security, daycare, security, and wellness for the employees. Brandon MoseleyAugust 27, 2021
Governor Ivey orders flags flown at half staff in remembrance of those killed in Kabul Gov. Kay Ivey has ordered that all flags be flown at half staff to honor those killed in Afghanistan on Thursday. Brandon MoseleyAugust 27, 2021
Governor Gov. Kay Ivey asks SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade Ivey and 11 other Republican governors are seeking to overturn the landmark abortion case. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 29, 2021
Governor Ivey blames the unvaccinated for COVID-19 cases “These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain,” Ivey said. “We’ve got to get folks to take the shot." Brandon MoseleyJuly 26, 2021
Governor Ivey tours summer learning program in Birmingham The Birmingham Summer Institute is a six-week program for rising 3rd through 8th-grade students to combat summer learning loss. Brandon MoseleyJuly 16, 2021