Elections Tuberville would be the frontrunner in a gov’s race, but it wouldn’t be a cakewalk While Tuberville would enter the gov's race with a significant advantage in name ID, he would be tested like never before. Josh Moon4 days ago
Elections Madison County Commission won’t open courthouse for Saturday voting At least 12 other counties in the state have expanded to Saturday voting, and 10 more have posted notices of expanded hours in the... Josh MoonOctober 14, 2020
Elections Sen. Doug Jones: “I am exhibit A of what can happen when people turn out and vote” “That's what I'm going to do in my next term as well. I'm going to continue to do what my friend, the late John... Eddie BurkhalterOctober 9, 2020
Elections CAIR announces support for Amendment 4 Amendment 4 will be on the Nov. 3 general election ballot. Brandon MoseleyOctober 9, 2020
Elections Doug Jones: If Trump, McConnell and Tuberville have their way, the ACA will go away “I am very concerned about the loss of the Affordable Care Act as it faces a Supreme Court test in a few weeks," Jones... Brandon MoseleyOctober 8, 2020
Elections Secretary of state: Court precedent should be followed for absentee votes If the ruling tossing out the witness requirement is later overturned by a higher court after they already sent in their ballot, the reader... Eddie BurkhalterOctober 7, 2020
Elections SPLC awards more than $500,000 to Alabama voter outreach groups The six Alabama groups will receive a total of $505,000. Micah DanneyOctober 7, 2020
Elections Tea Party Express endorses Tuberville "Coach Tuberville is the right candidate for the job and deserves to be elected over Doug Jones," said Sal Russo, Tea Party Express co-founder. Brandon MoseleyOctober 7, 2020
Elections Opinion | New AUM poll: We’re all losing Slap an R out beside the name of an actual tree and 60 percent of Alabama voters would slog into a voting booth and... Josh MoonOctober 6, 2020
Elections Breaking down the six amendments on Alabama’s November ballot What do the six proposed amendments on Alabama's November ballot do? We answer your questions here. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 1, 2020
Elections State is prepared for heavy increase in mail-in absentee ballots, Merrill says The final tally of absentee ballots returned is expected to be between 150,000 and 175,000, Merrill said. Micah DanneyOctober 1, 2020