Tuesday, the Democratic candidates for governor of Alabama all attended a debate hosted by Reckon, an al.com vehicle, at Birmingham’s historic Lyric Theatre. Alabama...
With the Democratic primary elections only six weeks away, one of Alabama’s most influential Democratic groups voted over the weekend to endorse Tuscaloosa Mayor...
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Countryman recently answered a candidate’s questionnaire sent by the Alabama Political Reporter. APR: Alabama’s unemployment is at an all-time low, but...
The Walt Maddox campaign for Governor continues to draw endorsements from influential Democrats with the latest being Mobile State Sen. Vivian Figures. “I am...
The members of the West Alabama Chapter of the Alabama Republican Assembly (WARA) recently met with several candidates and then voted to make endorsements...
State Rep. Christopher John England, D-Tuscaloosa, endorsed Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter “Walt” Maddox for governor of Alabama. England said that Maddox has a vision and...
Rusty Jessup spoke to the St. Clair County Republican Party on Thursday about his candidacy for Alabama House of Representatives House District 30. Jessup...
Wednesday, Scott Dawson, Bill Hightower and Tommy Battle were on stage at the historic Lyric Theatre in Birmingham for the Republican candidates debate sponsored...