Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes2 days ago
Legislature Bill that would require default content filters on Alabama phones clears House committee Opponents, mostly telecommunications professionals, say the bill targets the wrong entity and puts burdens on phone providers. Jacob HolmesApril 27, 2023
Legislature House committee approves bill to allow virtual attendance of parole hearings The bill was met with no opposition and moved to the House floor for potential passage. Patrick DarringtonApril 27, 2023
Legislature Educators, advocacy groups make arguments regarding school voucher bill Proponents say the voucher system gives parents the freedom to choose better educational environments. Jacob HolmesApril 27, 2023
Legislature Bill altering charter school law makes first committee appearance The bill would make several changes to the current charter school law, mostly dealing with how the commission is selected and funded. Josh MoonApril 27, 2023
Legislature “Alabama Needs More Doctors”: House passes Physician Workforce Act The bill aims to boost recruitment of out-of-state physicians to Alabama. StaffApril 27, 2023
Legislature House passes General Fund budget before midpoint of session A tweak would allow $40 million targeted for correctional officer salaries to be used for prison construction. Jacob HolmesApril 26, 2023
Legislature Bill to end debt-based suspension of driver’s license passes Senate The bill passed the Senate 32-0 and moves to the House of Representatives. Patrick DarringtonApril 26, 2023
Legislature House Democrats scold Republicans for blocked revision to permitless carry bill Rep. Chris England introduced legislation to add a penalty to the law's "duty to inform" provision, but the bill was killed in committee. Jacob HolmesApril 26, 2023
Legislature Stadthagen files bill to prevent Chinese ownership of Alabama property The legislation will be heard before a House committee before consideration by the entire body. StaffApril 26, 2023
Legislature New bill would extend Alabama’s “Don’t Say Gay” law to 8th grade It would prohibit the discussion of gender identity or sexual orientation in public K-12 schools through 8th grade. Patrick DarringtonApril 25, 2023