Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes2 days ago
Special Session Deadline passes for public to submit maps for redistricting process Roughly 80 maps were sent to the committee. But the majority of those maps will not be considered. Jacob HolmesJuly 12, 2023
Legislature SB242: How bad bills die Alabama Arise campaigned against SB242 primarily through grassroots phone calls to legislators. Samuel StettheimerJuly 11, 2023
Legislature A historian calls Republican threats to defund Alabama Archives “fascist” “Restricting marginalized history is textbook fascism,” historian Maigen Sullivan told APR. Patrick DarringtonJuly 10, 2023
Legislature Archives and History has big plans for threatened $5M appropriation The $5 million appropriation is more than a third of the funding the Legislature decided to send the department just last month. Jacob HolmesJuly 10, 2023
Congress Misrepresentation of Congressional map at hearing—mistaking or misleading? The CLC map was not a potential plan, but an example of the state's overreach when drawing district lines. Jacob HolmesJuly 2, 2023
Legislature Speaker Ledbetter names committee replacements for Rep. Kyle South South stepped away from office to serve as President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama. Jacob HolmesJuly 1, 2023
Special Session House unlikely to correct drug-related manslaughter bill in special session If the bill is not addressed, the incorrect version will technically become law in September. Jacob HolmesJune 30, 2023
Legislature Alabama Arise: 2023 Legislative Wrap-Up discussing Issues like Medicaid expansion were also discussed in the meeting and will continue to be major policy points for Arise going forward. Patrick DarringtonJune 29, 2023
Special Session State Sen. Elliott plans to bring bill defunding Archives during Special Session Elliott wants to punish the department for holding a gay history luncheon. Jacob HolmesJune 29, 2023
Special Session Congressional redistricting process begins with public hearing Several maps were suggested during the first hearing on the process, but it is unclear what direction lawmakers are leaning. Jacob HolmesJune 28, 2023