Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes23 hours ago
Legislature Legislature passes bill criminalizing “ballot harvesting” Critics are still concerned about the law’s potential to suppress votes by making voters fear criminal charges. Jacob HolmesMarch 8, 2024
Legislature House passes bill prohibiting DEI programs, divisive concepts The intent of the bill is to root out DEI programs on college campuses and other state entities. Jacob HolmesMarch 8, 2024
Legislature “Don’t Say Gay” expansion bill heard in committee HB130 would extend the prohibition of discussing sexual orientation and gender identity throughout high school. Jacob HolmesMarch 7, 2024
Legislature Ivey signs bill shielding IVF clinics from liability “What we’re trying to do right now is just play lawsuit whack-a-mole,” Rep. Chris England said. Jacob HolmesMarch 7, 2024
Legislature Ethics overhaul bill passes out of committee, but with concerns The ethics overhaul bill has undergone a number of changes since the first draft was introduced, and more changes are coming. Josh MoonMarch 7, 2024
Legislature CHOOSE Act passes legislature, awaits Ivey’s signature today The bill would help parents pay for the cost to send their children to private schools primarily. Patrick DarringtonMarch 7, 2024
Legislature “Freedom Flag” bill passes committee after major overhaul The previous iteration of the legislation would have prohibited most flags from being flown on public property. Jacob HolmesMarch 7, 2024
Legislature House committee approves $10.64 prescription tax, stirring major concerns House Bill 238 would introduce a $10.64 tax on every prescription filled in the state. StaffMarch 7, 2024
Legislature School vouchers primed for final vote after committee maneuver Sen. Kirk Harcher, D-Montgomery, said the bill would “decapitate public education.” Jacob HolmesMarch 6, 2024
Legislature IVF bills poised for passage in House, Senate The committee approvals set up the potential for floor passage as lawmakers rush to provide cover for IVF clinics. Jacob HolmesMarch 6, 2024