Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes2 days ago
Legislature Senate bill would reform Alabama’s public records law State Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, has introduced legislation reforming public information requests. Brandon MoseleyMarch 15, 2021
Legislature House passes bill to require reduced speed in school zones The bill would mandate reduced speed zones around all public and private schools. Brandon MoseleyMarch 15, 2021
Legislature For Alabama lawmaker, anti-riot bill brings back bad memories Rep. Mary Moore discussed her passionate opposition to the bill and her history in the Civil Rights Movement. Josh MoonMarch 12, 2021
Legislature Alabama Senate carries over bill to strip governor of some emergency powers Sen. Bobby Singleton expressed concern that the state Legislature didn't take COVID-19 seriously and called it a "bad bill." Eddie BurkhalterMarch 12, 2021
Legislature House Committee hears arguments for and against medical marijuana Medical marijuana supporters and opponents clashed in debate during a committee hearing this week. Brandon MoseleyMarch 12, 2021
Legislature House passes bill to publish pictures of men arrested for solicitation on the internet The Alabama House passed a bill to put the pictures of men arrested for solicitation on the internet. Brandon MoseleyMarch 12, 2021
Legislature Alabama House passes bill to allow Alabamians to hunt coyotes, hogs at night The bill would create a season for the legal hunting feral swine and coyotes at night. Brandon MoseleyMarch 12, 2021
Legislature Bill to strengthen Alabama’s open records law carried over The bill would set time limits to respond to requests, set reasonable costs and establish an appeal process. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 11, 2021
Legislature Bill to allow local tax dollars to follow the child to a charter school advances Some members of the committee were troubled that local public schools might be harmed by this. Brandon MoseleyMarch 11, 2021
Legislature Bill to exempt airports from sales and use taxes advances in committee This bill would exempt airport authorities from paying sales and use taxes. Brandon MoseleyMarch 11, 2021