Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes2 days ago
Legislature Alabama Senate mulls state lottery, holds off on final vote Sen. Jim McClendon asked that his bill be carried over after a long day of deliberation. Eddie BurkhalterApril 8, 2021
Legislature Groups call on House, Senate to take up repeal of Habitual Felony Offender Act Rep. Chris England's bill would repeal the law and allow incarcerated people serving under it a chance to have sentences revisited. Eddie BurkhalterApril 8, 2021
Legislature Alabama Senate passes Aniah’s Law Aniah's law would allow district attorneys to request that bail be denied for persons charged with serious felonies. Brandon MoseleyApril 8, 2021
Legislature Medical marijuana bill advances out of House Judiciary Committee The committee gave the medical marijuana bill a favorable report after a lengthy debate. Brandon MoseleyApril 8, 2021
Legislature House passes bill to set minimum visitation standards during public health emergencies The legislation sets minimum visitation requirements for a patient in a nursing home or hospital during public health emergencies. Brandon MoseleyApril 8, 2021
Legislature House passes bill to reform Birmingham Pension System The would increase the pension contribution of Birmingham city employees from 7 percent of their gross pay to 7 and a half percent. Brandon MoseleyApril 7, 2021
Legislature House OKs amendment banning election law changes six months before elections HB388 would prevent election laws from being changed six months prior to a general election. Brandon MoseleyApril 7, 2021
Legislature Legislature passes home alcohol delivery bill Businesses would be limited to delivering no more than 75 miles from the business, and they cannot cross state lines. Brandon MoseleyApril 7, 2021
Legislature House votes down bill to ban cell phone use while driving The House voted down House Bill 90 on a 47 to 48 vote. Brandon MoseleyApril 7, 2021
Legislature Senate to consider amendment potentially harmful to Alabama hemp industry The amendment to House Bill 2 would criminalize Delta 8 and Delta 10 in the state of Alabama. Brandon MoseleyApril 5, 2021