Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes3 days ago
Governor Governor’s amended bill removing some oversight from school construction passes The amended bill delays impact on K-12 school construction projects until Feb. 1, 2022. Eddie BurkhalterMay 18, 2021
Legislature Legislature passes ban on “vaccine passports” Any new vaccine requirements for students or for customers of businesses are banned by this legislation. Brandon MoseleyMay 18, 2021
Governor Bill to curb governor, state health officer’s emergency powers fails A Republican said before the vote that the bill could cost the state federal money, while Democrats decried it as dangerous. Eddie BurkhalterMay 18, 2021
Legislature Bill to ban treatments for transgender minors dies before coming to the House floor Opponents and medical associations said the bill would have cost young lives had it passed. Eddie BurkhalterMay 18, 2021
Legislature Speaker wishes Legislature had been able to pass a lottery-gaming bill McCutcheon said that the governor might call a special session on gambling "if there is an opportunity.” Brandon MoseleyMay 18, 2021
Legislature Legislature passes bill to reform civil asset forfeiture The legislation reforms the procedures through which the state can seize assets because the owner is accused of criminal wrongdoing. Brandon MoseleyMay 18, 2021
Legislature Legislature gives final passage to Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights The bill provides fundamental protections and guarantees to those who have suffered from certain violent crimes. StaffMay 18, 2021
Legislature Governor could send medical marijuana bill back to the Legislature today The Legislature would have to address the medical marijuana bill if the governor amends or vetoes it before the close of session. Brandon MoseleyMay 17, 2021
Legislature Today is the last day of Alabama’s 2021 Legislative Session The House has an 18-bill special order calendar for the last day of the 2021 Legislative Session. Brandon MoseleyMay 17, 2021
Legislature House to address civil asset forfeiture reform on last day of session The House Rules Committee has made civil asset forfeiture reform a high priority for the last day of the session. Brandon MoseleyMay 17, 2021