Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes3 days ago
Governor Governor to host ceremonial bill signing for medical marijuana bill, other legislation Gov. Kay Ivey will host a ceremonial bill signing event in Montgomery for a number of bills passed during the 2021 Legislative Session. Brandon MoseleyJune 17, 2021
Legislature Speaker McCutcheon: Wednesday’s meeting with Kay Ivey on prisons “productive” Without any other alternative to build new prisons, the governor is reaching out to legislators. Brandon MoseleyJune 14, 2021
Legislature Rex Reynolds selected to participate in Emerging Legislative Leaders program The Emerging Legislative Leaders Program is designed for the next generation of leaders in state legislatures. Brandon MoseleyJune 10, 2021
Elections Deadline to file for absentee ballot extended to seven days before elections It has changed from five days before an election to seven days before the election. Brandon MoseleyJune 2, 2021
Governor Governor rejects delaying full implementation of the Alabama Literacy Act Children who do not read at third-grade level will have to repeat the grade beginning after the 2021–22 school year. Brandon MoseleyMay 28, 2021
Governor Governor signs legislation to allow police to remove obnoxious RV park guests The legislation would authorize law enforcement to remove guests from an RV park at the request of the park operator. Brandon MoseleyMay 28, 2021
Legislature Alabama 2021 Legislative Report: Week 13 More than 300 bills were enacted this year. Beth LyonsMay 26, 2021
Governor Governor signs bill to increase capital where getting financing is difficult Gov. Kay Ivey on Monday signed legislation to get capital to small businesses in rural and impoverished areas of Alabama. Brandon MoseleyMay 25, 2021
Governor Gov. Kay Ivey signs criminal justice reform bills into law While the Legislature took up some reform measures this session, lawmakers declined to pass more substantive sentencing reforms. Eddie BurkhalterMay 24, 2021
Governor Gov. Kay Ivey signs resolution supporting Israel Some Democrats voiced opposition to the resolution following the deaths of more than 200 Palestinian civilians after Israeli attacks. Eddie BurkhalterMay 24, 2021