Legislature Lawmaker files bill to make it harder to prosecute “stand your ground” cases The bill create a "presumption of reasonableness" and shift the burden of proof to the prosecution. Jacob Holmes4 days ago
Legislature Civil rights groups send letter to state committee ahead of redistricting Gov. Kay Ivey announced last week that state lawmakers will gather in a special session to begin Oct. 28 to address redistricting. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 20, 2021
Legislature After 40 years in public service, Mobile’s Victor Gaston will not seek re-election Gaston holds seats on the powerful, agenda-setting House Rules Committee and the House Ways and Means General Fund Committee. StaffOctober 19, 2021
Legislature Activists demand fair representation ahead of redistricting special session This will be the first redistricting session without preclearance from federal officials as previously required under the Voting Rights Act. John H. GlennOctober 15, 2021
Legislature Governor to call special session on redistricting this month Gov. Kay Ivey said she anticipates calling a special session that will begin Oct. 28, 2021. StaffOctober 14, 2021
Legislature Committee tasked with removing racist language from Alabama Constitution A plan presented Wednesday, and largely agreed upon by committee members, would remove three sections from the Alabama Constitution. Josh MoonOctober 14, 2021
Legislature Redistricting public forum to be held by advocacy groups before special session Multiple social justice and voting rights advocacy groups are planning a two-part public forum. John H. GlennOctober 5, 2021
Legislature 2021 Special Legislative Session report Five bills were introduced as part of the governor’s prisons plan and justice reform. Four passed. Beth LyonsOctober 4, 2021
Governor Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signs bills approving prison construction into law The $1.3 billion prison construction and renovation package includes using $400 million in federal COVID aid. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 1, 2021
Legislature Legislature approves $1.3 billion prison construction package With a final vote in the House, Gov. Kay Ivey's weeklong special session ended Friday afternoon. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 1, 2021
Legislature Alabama Senate approves use of $400 million of COVID relief for prison construction The House is expected to vote Friday on final passage for one bill, with the rest of the bills awaiting the governor's signature. John H. GlennOctober 1, 2021