Will Ainsworth is Alabama’s lieutenant governor. Every American was a bit disappointed when the White House announced this week that social distancing guidelines will...
Will Ainsworth is Alabama’s lieutenant governor. Governor Kay Ivey, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Eric Mackey and the members of his learning options task...
Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached epidemic level among extremist liberals and their allies in the national news media, and its symptoms were in full manifestation...
Alabama took a strong step toward independence in its public schools this week when the State Senate approved legislation to repeal the Obama-era curriculum...
Toyota/Mazda, Polaris, Remington, Hyundai, Honda, Airbus, Boeing… These are just a few of the dozens upon dozens of new and expanding industries that have...
By Rep. Will Ainsworth The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “statesman” as “a wise, skillful, and respected political leader.” Throughout its history, Alabama has...