Featured Opinion Opinion | How will Alabama fare in Washington after Richard Shelby "There is hope for future generations of Alabamians if someone under 55 with ability takes Shelby’s seat." Steve FlowersMay 12, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Some legislative issues "There have been a myriad of high-profile measures addressed during this year’s session." Steve FlowersMay 5, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Who are the nine people who sit on our state Supreme Court? "These nine Justices are all Republican, all conservative on both social and business issues." Steve FlowersApril 28, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | State Supreme Court often forgotten in Alabama "Our Alabama Supreme Court is separate and powerful, but is not shielded by politics." Steve FlowersApril 21, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Reapportionment and gerrymandering "Gerrymandering is not nearly as blatantly overtly partisan as in past times." Steve FlowersApril 14, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | 2022 big election year as Alabama chooses Shelby’s successor "2022 is going to be a big year in Alabama politics." Steve FlowersMarch 31, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | 2022 will be a big year for Alabama politics "As I look back over the last six decades of my observations of Alabama politics, next year may be the most momentous." Steve FlowersMarch 24, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gambling and budgets priority for Legislature "The Legislature is at the midway point of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session." Steve FlowersMarch 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Birmingham’s political inside man "A good many of Alabama’s political leaders have found their way to the home of 'ole' Joe Fuller." Steve FlowersMarch 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Will Legislature allow Alabamians to vote on gambling revenue for state? "Hopefully, the legislature will see fit to allow the people of Alabama the right to vote." Steve FlowersMarch 3, 2021