Featured Opinion Opinion | Election year is here If Kay Ivey sticks to her knitting, stays home and governs, and looks gubernatorial and does not beat herself, she will more than likely... Steve FlowersJanuary 5, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | We lost some good ones in 2021 I like for my year end column to be a remembrance of Alabama political figures who have passed away during the year. Steve FlowersDecember 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Jimmy Holley Holley has spent over half of his life as a lawmaker. Steve FlowersDecember 22, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | State Senate will have little turnover in 2022 You have not seen anything like the lack of turnover in the Alabama Senate. Incumbency will prevail. Steve FlowersDecember 15, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Incumbency prevails in 2022 Statehouse races The large majority of incumbents are running for re-election — both Republicans and Democrats. Steve FlowersDecember 8, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Reapportionment done. Legislative races begin The paramount concern was self-political preservation so the most ardent task was protecting the districts of incumbent legislators. Steve FlowersDecember 1, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | 2022 elections six months away Winning the Republican primary is tantamount to election in the Heart of Dixie. Steve FlowersNovember 24, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Governor John Patterson’s first lesson Governor Patterson learned a lesson from that experience: never say never. Steve FlowersNovember 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Remembering Judge Bobby Aderholt He served the public for more than 50 years. As a judge, he presided over each case with integrity and impartiality. Steve FlowersNovember 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Jim Preuitt: A force in the Alabama Senate As I am writing this in my office, I am looking at a picture of Jim and me standing together, arms embraced in the... Steve FlowersNovember 3, 2021