Education Auburn faculty vote down no-confidence vote on provost Seventy-one percent of the 1,200 faculty members present voted against holding a no-confidence vote in Provost Bill Hardgrave. Josh MoonJanuary 14, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Sponsored hate has taken a beating. You can help kill it "Turn by turn, the money spigot has slowly stopped flowing to America’s most hateful and divisive politicians." Josh MoonJanuary 13, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Auburn provost has been unfairly vilified "For little reason, faculty are voting on a no-confidence label for a provost in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic." Josh MoonJanuary 12, 2021
Legislature Alabama State Rep. Anthony Daniels: “I thought I was going to die” House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels described his two-week battle with COVID. Josh MoonJanuary 9, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama congressmen who incited a coup attempt should resign "You have disgraced yourselves, the offices you hold, the state and the United States of America. You should all resign." Josh MoonJanuary 7, 2021
Courts The weird, strange legal fight that wouldn’t go away A sordid legal drama filled with conspiracy theories, shady figures and mysterious donations has been shrouded in secrecy. Not anymore. Josh MoonJanuary 6, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Trump recording exposes his foolish enablers "We’ve all now heard a desperate and maniacal president say a bunch of quiet parts out loud." Josh MoonJanuary 4, 2021
News APR’s Josh Moon: A look back at my top stories of 2020 A scandal in Alabama virtual schools. A case of fraud with a congressional candidate. Here are Josh Moon's top picks. Josh MoonDecember 31, 2020
News The top five Alabama politics stories of 2020 It will be quite easy to slip into another year with cautious hope for better days. Josh MoonDecember 29, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Political “outsiders” are killing this state "For GOP voters, forget the guy who understands the issues and has a plan, give them 'the outsider.'" Josh MoonDecember 28, 2020