Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter A scam. That’s what the Alabama State Department of Education’s intervention into Montgomery Public Schools is. From the...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter The former head of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency believes attorneys for former Gov. Robert Bentley are trying...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter This is how Russia manipulated a U.S. presidential election. On Tuesday, my Facebook feed began filling up with...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Last week, Barry Matson, the executive director of the Alabama District Attorneys Association, stood before a Senate committee...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Here we are again. Another school shooting. Another AR-15. Another domestic terrorist. And more of the same BS...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter The Alabama Ethics Commission will vote on an opinion Wednesday morning that will change the way multiple-sponsor events...