Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.
Screaming “FAKE NEWS!” has become a popular response from Republicans to any news story that relays information that reflects poorly on them or their...
The Etowah County Sheriff’s race seems fun. For the past several weeks, current Etowah County Sheriff Todd Entrekin has dealt with national news stories...
It’s one of the oddest, and most embarrassing, cases of mistaken identity in recent Alabama political history. According to recent polling, James Bonner is...
Smart people reside in Alabama. Curious, intelligent, open-minded, reasonable, rational people live within Alabama’s borders. It’s true. I know them. I’ve talked with them....
Career politician vs. successful businessman. That’s the way Will Ainsworth sees his Republican primary race for lieutenant governor. He, of course, is the successful...
“Free2be does not share the values of most Alabamians.” — Scott Dawson, Republican candidate for governor of Alabama. Scott Dawson might be right. But...
Here’s your chance, Alabama. For the last several years, this state’s lawmakers have been searching for an answer to its gambling problem. And believe...
Robert Bentley is being sued. Again. Alabama’s former governor, who is currently in the midst of a defamation lawsuit for allegedly spreading false information...