Courts Alabama Supreme Court allows construction of Intercoastal Waterway bridge to resume The court ruled that state immunity prevents John Cooper from being sued in his official capacity when the relief sought would violate the state's... Jacob HolmesAugust 25, 2023
Education State Treasurer’s office launches loan program to help distressed colleges The bill came about in large part due to financial troubles at Birmingham Southern College. Jacob HolmesAugust 25, 2023
Education Inside the 44 books challenged at the Prattville Public Library What exactly are the books that have been challenged by the Prattville group, which has now expanded its efforts statewide? Jacob HolmesAugust 24, 2023
State Advocates launch resources to help families affected by gender-affirming care ban Advocates have come together to launch resources to support families navigating this challenging period. Jacob HolmesAugust 23, 2023
State Wetumpka neo-confederate gathering shares “strategy” to “fight for our freedom” The conference featured numerous speakers labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center as extremists. Jacob HolmesAugust 23, 2023
Education Ivey visits “turnaround schools” as new school year begins The schools are part of an initiative targeting funds to help support "overwhelming needs." Jacob HolmesAugust 21, 2023
Health ADPH approves birthing center regulations amid lawsuit The rules come within a week of a lawsuit filed by the Alabama ACLU on behalf of multiple birthing centers. Jacob HolmesAugust 21, 2023
Courts Cannabis licenses on hold as court weighs claim of Open Meetings Act violation AMCC attorney William Webster threatened to air applicants' "dirty laundry" by foregoing executive session entirely if the court finds in favor of the plaintiffs. Jacob HolmesAugust 18, 2023
Local news Level-funding of Prattville library infuriates book-challenging group Even level-funding the library has upset members of Clean Up Prattville, the group challenging the inclusion of certain books. Jacob HolmesAugust 17, 2023
State Judge John Carroll, former dean of Cumberland Law School, dies Carroll served for 14 years as a U.S. magistrate judge and as the dean of the law school from 2001-2014. Jacob HolmesAugust 17, 2023