Opinion Opinion | On the Nov. 3 ballot, vote “no” on proposed Amendment 1 On Nov. 3, 2020, all Alabama voters should vote “no” on proposed Amendment 1. Vote no on Amendment 1 because it could allow state... Chris ChristieSeptember 22, 2020
Elections Analysis | Tulsa Rally’s Data Mess? The June 20, 2020, Tulsa Rally appears to have left the incumbent president’s campaign a data mess too big to clean up. A data... Chris ChristieJune 23, 2020
Opinion Opinion | How has Alabama done reopening its economy post COVID-19 shutdown? Alabama has partially reopened the state’s economy after a COVID-19 shutdown. How has that worked out? Bluntly, re-opening Alabama’s economy has not worked out... Chris ChristieJune 15, 2020
Economy Opinion | When should Alabama’s economy reopen? When should Alabama reopen its economy after the COVID-19 shutdown? President Trump has said the decision is for Governors to make, even if he... Chris ChristieApril 27, 2020