The Conservative Christians of Alabama released their choices for office ahead of the major party primaries. For Lt. Governor, the Conservative Christians of Alabama...
Tuesday, congressional candidate Rich Hobson wrote an op-ed describing his passionate commitment to ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Hobson is critical of the...
The powerful Business Council of Alabama (BCA) has made their endorsements ahead of the 2018 party primaries. BCA said in a statement, “Legislative success...
Monday, a number of Alabama leaders made comments and statements expressing their gratitude to those who paid the ultimate price for this country in...
Friday, the Alabama Forestry Association announced its endorsement of candidates for the primary elections to be held on June 5. For Governor AFA endorses...
Wednesday morning, Scott Dawson announced “The Time is Now” bus tour which he predicted will rally grassroots conservative voters by sweeping every corner of...