The Democratic National Committee voted Saturday in favor of a motion revoking the credentials of Alabama Democratic Chairwoman Nancy Worley and Vice-Chair Randy Kelley....
Saturday, the Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee voted in favor of a resolution urging the Alabama congressional delegation to introduce and carry legislation to...
Saturday, the Alabama Republican Executive Committee voted in favor of a resolution opposing a state constitutional amendment Constitutional amendment 284, if ratified by the...
Friday and Saturday over 400 members of the Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee met in Auburn to celebrate recent election victories and begin planning...
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced Wednesday that global automotive supplier Vuteq USA plans to invest more than $60 million to open a manufacturing facility...
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey was in Limestone County Thursday, inside the city limits of Huntsville, for the groundbreaking of the new DaikyoNishikawa U.S. auto...
The Alabama Department of Transportation experienced yet another setback on Wednesday for its controversial plan to build a bridge of the Mobile River and...
Wednesday Trump National Finance Committee member Perry Hooper Jr. praised State Representative Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant) for his resolution urging that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D)...
Thursday, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Office of Oral Health, is offering public water systems the opportunity to compete for fluoridation grants...