Elections Donald Trump endorses Mo Brooks for U.S. Senate Former President Donald Trump endorsed Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, in his bid for U.S. Senate. Bill BrittApril 7, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Voting rights, culture wars and Lead Belly’s advice "Instead of name-calling — which now passes for political dialogue — what about discussing the real problem?" Bill BrittApril 7, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | What do Alabama Trump voters want? "If Alabamians want a fighter and a problem-solver, then there needs to be another choice." Bill BrittMarch 31, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Are there not things in this life worth losing for? "We are in need of political leaders who are willing to ensure that every citizen is represented, not just the ones that elect them." Bill BrittMarch 24, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Williams and API say no raises for teachers "To suggest that because of disruption in the private sector, teachers shouldn't receive pay raises is frankly ludicrous." Bill BrittMarch 16, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Thoughts on the aftermath of March 13, 2020 "In extraordinary times, an individual's character, and that of a state or nation, is revealed, and its essential nature is laid bare." Bill BrittMarch 11, 2021
Environment Alabama Native-American tribe wants a voice in coal ash debate With 21 million cubic yards of coal ash to be removed, it is estimated that 2 million truckloads of coal ash would pass through... Bill BrittMarch 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Herding turtles, power plays and some really silly ideas "The lunacy seems to be never-ending. The people of Alabama deserve better." Bill BrittFebruary 25, 2021
Municipal elections Politics and wills collide in Tuscaloosa mayoral race Perhaps Maddox's biggest challenger is a man who is not on the ballot, Tuscaloosa-based real estate developer Stan Pate. Bill BrittFebruary 22, 2021
State “American Greed” episode to cover cancer scam first reported by APR The show's coverage of the 2017 fake cancer scam will feature interviews with APR's Josh Moon. Bill BrittFebruary 22, 2021