Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama should follow the Buffett rule: Take advantage of others’ “dumb things” Economic development is built on infrastructure, workforce and quality of life. If one leg is uneven, the whole is unstable. Bill BrittMay 8, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | New anti-ESG bill entangles businesses in red tape ESG has become a hobgoblin for those who want to punish those who want to ensure their investment dollars are used responsibly. Bill BrittMay 4, 2023
Legislature Opinion | Alabama elected officials showed leadership with “The Game Plan” This package of bills served as an example of significant, well-thought-out, targeted legislation. Bill BrittMay 2, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | HB7 and a cultural revolution It seems the art of governing is identifying the wrong problem, applying an incompetent remedy and declaring victory. Bill BrittApril 17, 2023
State Sen. Britt, husband Wesley aid injured athlete at son’s track meet Witnesses took pictures of the Britts and wrote on Facebook about their action to assist the fallen long-jumper. Bill BrittApril 12, 2023
Congress Mo Brooks spreads grievance gospel against Alabama’s congressional delegation Brooks claims that during his last term there were only "two Republicans you could count on" in Alabama's delegation. Bill BrittMarch 20, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Mo Brooks really just can’t agree with … Mo Brooks Mo can’t seem to agree with himself. Bill BrittFebruary 23, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Mo Brooks wants another bite at leadership apple Brooks' past performance shows Mo is for Mo and not the Republican Party. Bill BrittFebruary 14, 2023
Legislature Opinion | A few thoughts on legislating Knowing why you are in Montgomery is the first step to knowing what you can accomplish there. Bill BrittFebruary 13, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | A vague bill promises to ban something it seems A group of Republican lawmakers wants to ban "divisive concepts." The bill should die a quick death. Bill BrittJanuary 30, 2023