Legislature ACLU releases “State House to Prison Pipeline” evaluation of legislative session A significant portion of bills introduced in the Alabama Legislature aim to intensify the criminal legal system's punitive measures. Bill BrittDecember 6, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s drift towards authoritarianism endangers ADAH independence The action against the Department of Archives and History is a political maneuver to appease a narrow, hard-right Republican base. Bill BrittDecember 5, 2023
Education Alabama’s Education Commission unveils a bold plan to transform public schools The commission's report lays out a roadmap for educational reform in Alabama. Bill BrittDecember 5, 2023
State Rep. Andy Whitt’s Alabama investigation reveals pervasive illegal gambling Whitt's tour was a deep dive into the heart of Alabama's gaming issue, one that can no longer be sidelined by the Legislature. Bill BrittDecember 4, 2023
Economy Alabama Arise report urges wage and working condition reforms for autoworkers The auto industry employs over 44,000 individuals. But the report underscores a pressing need for reform. Bill BrittDecember 1, 2023
State Analysis | Medical Cannabis licensing in Alabama: A closer look at the application process Out of 37 applicants, fewer than a third have presented completely unredacted applications. Bill BrittNovember 30, 2023
Congress Sen. Tuberville pledges to resolve military promotions blockade amidst senate tensions As Tuberville acknowledges the mess he's created, doubts linger about his ability to resolve the situation effectively. Bill BrittNovember 29, 2023
Legislature Ledbetter supports major gambling bill, aims to end illegal operations in Alabama Alabama may be poised to resolve the long-standing debate on gaming and finally let its people decide. Bill BrittNovember 28, 2023
Legislature 2024 school choice bill in Alabama: Size and scope under close watch As the 2024 Legislative Session approaches, proponents of school choice in Alabama are gearing up for another push. Bill BrittNovember 27, 2023
Opinion Opinion | A change will come; it always does Change may come slowly, but all signs point toward the emergence of a more diverse Alabama. Bill BrittNovember 27, 2023