By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—In response to an report once again insinuating that Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) Secretary Spencer Collier or his staff had misappropriated State funds or resources, Collier issued a statement calling out reporter Chuck Dean, Governor Robert Bentley’s chief advisor Rebekah Caldwell Mason, Acting ALEA Secretary Stan Stabler, SBI Director Gene Wiggins and Stabler’s public information officer, Anna Morris.
Collier accuses Dean of being a personal news outlet for Mason saying, “ I will be damned if I will let you, Rebekah Mason, Stan Stabler (an outright racist), Gene Wiggins or Anna Morris drag my name through the mud, and hurt my family. I promise, there is much more to come.”
Those formerly close to Gov. Bentley, and an individual in the Governor’s inner circle believe,’s report is a response to the story, where law enforcement officers have claimed that the firing at ALEA has led to closing criminal cases.
In his statement Collier says, he welcomes an investigation by the FBI or the State’s Attorney General’s Office. “The Attorney General or the FBI can turn over every rock at ALEA and they will find nothing, absolutely nothing. In fact, I welcome their review. There was absolutely zero mismanagement of funds during my tenure at ALEA.”
In a press statement released this morning Stabler said, “ALEA’s Integrity Unit conducted a thorough internal review of the operations, policies and procedures of the agency. The Integrity Unit review found a number of concerns including the possible misuse of state funds. Findings of the review have been submitted to the Alabama Attorney General’s Office for further action.”
Collier says, the Attorney General of the FBI should mount an investigation, and not rely on an, “Internal investigation by ALEA, in which Rebekah Mason dictates the investigation.”
Sources close to the Governor say, that people who were close to the Governor for years in his previous career at the State House as a legislator, have become increasingly frustrated by Mason and her influence on this Governor. “She has isolated him from people that he has trusted for years. She has cut off lines of communication between the Governor and [state officials and legislators] people that have been closer to him than anybody. They can not even communicate with the Governor without having to go through Rebekah Caldwell Mason.”
Even current staff members claim to be terrified of Mason, who they say is the last word, and only real conduit to Bentley.
Collier was put on medical leave due to surgery, however, Bentley told that he was punishing him for disobeying his order not to provide an affidavit related to the Speaker Mike Hubbard felony case.
“I was put on medical leave to recover. However, while gone, my name has been drug through the mud by usurpers at ALEA and political operatives in the Governor’s Office, one of which is paid by God knows who in order to circumvent reporting requirements. All of this was done under the guise of not following an order,” said Collier in his statement. “I want to be abundantly clear, I cooperated with law enforcement as dictated by federal and state law in compliance with an ongoing criminal investigation into matters involving the administration. I never disobeyed a lawful order,” Collier wrote. “In fact, as a law enforcement officer, I have a duty to disobey an unlawful order and I do not apologize for refusing to lie to the Attorney General’s Office.”
Collier then drops a bombshell: “I also have much more information forthcoming to include dates, times, complaints from security officers, complaints from the Governor’s Office staff, complaints from Bentley family members and audio recordings. However, there are other criminal investigations involving the administration ongoing, and I refuse to jeopardize those, but in due time it will all be made public.”
He then, once again addresses Dean directly: “Mr. Dean… Your reporting is an embarrassment to your parent company. Over the past year, I have overheard Rebekah Mason laugh at her ability to manipulate you.”
Collier, a decorated law enforcement officer, who has twice received the Governor’s Commendation, one by Gov. Fob James and another from Gov. Bob Riley, for heroism beyond the call of duty.