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Montgomery among recipients of affordable housing grant

The city will receive over $3.5 million to bolster housing availability by reviewing land use policies and updating infrastructure.

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Vice President Kamala Harris and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing grant competition recipients. The grants were awarded to communities that actively seek ways to make progress in housing production, despite local, outdated housing barriers.

The first awarding period will distribute $85 million to 21 communities. Based on the influx of applications, a second awarding period is planned to occur before the end of the year, putting $100 million more into communities with housing hardships. President Biden has already included $100 million in his 2025 fiscal budget to fund this program in the future.

Of 175 communities that applied across 47 states, Montgomery, Alabama will be one of the first 21 communities to see funds from the PRO Housing grant.

The city will receive over $3.5 million to promote a more housing-forward community. 

There was $1 in available grant funds for every $13 in requested assistance. Communities who have yet to receive funds from the PRO Housing grant program will be provided technical assistance to address housing issues within their regions.

Not only will the grant be utilized to increase the housing supply and revise land use policies at the local level, but it will also contribute towards revitalizing affordable housing available in Montgomery and creating a more accessible pathway to building a home. 

It’s expected to see some use from this grant as soon as the end of summer. Some of this grant will go towards current planning and infrastructure projects, which could have funding gaps. Once the grant is awarded, Montgomery can begin streamlining operations to complete preliminary housing measures.

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PRO Housing represents a new avenue for awardable grants, by providing a way to lower housing costs in the long term by investing in building more affordable homes and as simple as clearing the path to initiate a change. 

Mary Claire is a reporting intern.

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