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Gov. Ivey appoints new Talladega County district judge

J. Scott Brewer receives judgeship after 16 years as an assistant district attorney in Talladega County courtrooms.

partial view of blurred judge holding gavel during sentencing in court
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Gov. Kay Ivey has appointed a new District Judge in Talladega County after Judge Jeb Fannin announced his retirement after 15 years in the position. J. Scott Brewer will begin serving on July 8. 

Brewer has had 20 years of service and experience in the Talladega County court system, 16 of those as assistant district attorney. He has partaken in countless prosecutions, with the most positive impacts in the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crime Unit and the Talladega County Worthless Check Unit.

Brewer had applied to take the position of former District Judge Ryan Rumsey earlier this year. He held a place in the final three contenders, but Gov. Ivey ultimately appointed Dale Price.

The judicial selection committee spoke to him again. A few months later, Brewer’s name was sent to the governor’s office again and then he was appointed as District Judge, 29th Judicial Circuit, Place #1.

Brewer earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama and went on to receive a master’s degree from the University of Tennessee. He holds a law degree from Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law.

“A well-known lawyer and prosecutor throughout the 29th Judicial Circuit, Scott Brewer brings to his judgeship position decades of experience serving the people of Talladega County,” said Gov. Ivey, in a news release. “Given his strong record of public service, I am confident in his new role he will continue to ensure that the law is applied correctly and fairly to all.”

Mary Claire is a reporting intern.

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