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Gov. Ivey announces 20 appointments to various state positions

Gov. Kay Ivey announced the appointment of 20 individuals to various state positions.

Governor Kay Ivey was keynote speaker to the Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway Association Luncheon at Period Beach Resort Thursday May 16, 2024 in Orange Beach, Ala. Governor’s Office /Hal Yeager
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Governor Kay Ivey announced the appointment of 20 individuals to various state positions on Monday, including the significant appointment of Scott Brewer as the new District Judge for Talladega County, Place 1. These appointments reflect the Governor’s commitment to enhancing state committees and commissions with diverse and skilled professionals.

New Appointments:

Talladega County District Judge, Place 1

Mr. Scott Brewer

State Textbook Committee: Science

Dr. Albertnetta Hamilton
Mr. Joseph Downey Jr.
Mr. Waymond Jackson
Ms. Abigail Gwinn
Mr. Kelvin M. Jones II
Dr. Jeremy Blanks
Ms. Brittany Taylor
Ms. Meghan Parks
Dr. Belinda Maples

State Textbook Committee: Arts/AV; Health Sciences and Human Resources

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Ms. Vanessa Hall
Mr. Mike Tew
Ms. Ashley Lucier
Ms. Courtney Wingo
Dr. Marchina Harrell
Ms. Traci Howard
Ms. Angelina Vandiver
Ms. Bria Randal
Dr. John Myrick

Alabama Athletic Commission

Mr. Johnny Jackson (Reappointment)

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J. Scott Brewer receives judgeship after 16 years as an assistant district attorney in Talladega County courtrooms.

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