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Opinion | Alabama will benefit from the future of aviation 

The time is right for Alabama to pass HB176 and become a national leader in Advanced Air Mobility. 

Advanced Air Mobility concept. STOCK
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Across the country, there is an aviation revolution underway. Advanced Air Mobility, better known as AAM, is widely considered the future of the aviation industry. AAM focuses on electric aircraft, both vertical and conventional, and includes the delivery of passengers and cargo in both urban or regional settings. Investments in the AAM economy will lead to more inter-connected communities, significant commercial development, and many good-paying jobs – to name just a few of its benefits.  

Stakeholder interest in AAM and related technologies is quickly developing in Alabama. In the years ahead, AAM companies will offer crucial services to residents and businesses in the Yellowhammer State. There is already ample evidence of this movement elsewhere. According to a recently published study, the state of Ohio has forecasted a growth of more than 15,000 AAM-related jobs by 2045.  

Alabama is well known for success in economic development and investing in innovative technologies, and AAM represents an opportunity to add to that strong track record. Due to the aviation’s industry existing presence in Alabama, the state is poised to reap the benefits noted above. AAM’s economic impacts are considerable and wide-ranging, from construction and manufacturing jobs to remote piloting opportunities.  

State leaders realize that proper planning is a necessity to fully capture the benefits of AAM. The Alabama Legislature is currently considering legislation that requires a strategic plan and will allow communities to provide feedback as they explore the industry more closely. Once finalized, this plan will also signal to the international aviation industry and AAM-specific companies that Alabama is prepared for the future of aviation. 

The time is right for Alabama to pass House Bill 176 by Rep. James Lomax, R-Huntsville, and become a national leader in Advanced Air Mobility.

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