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Last week, the Senate passed a historic education budget worth $8.8 billion, including a $2 billion supplemental package. While that made it through the Senate, there were also plenty of other proposed laws the Senate discussed and passed. Here is that list.
Day 16
HB21 by Rep. Chip Brown – to require law enforcement agencies and the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences to submit an annual report containing certain data regarding sexual assault cases to the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency; and to require the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to submit an annual report containing certain data regarding sexual assault cases to the Chairs of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
HB44 by Rep. Chris Blackshear – expands the membership of the Alabama Job Creation and Military Stability Commission.
HB55 by Rep. Juandalynn Givan – to require the Alabama Department of Public Health to establish a Certificate of Nonviable Birth form to issue to parents, upon request, for certain nonviable births.
HB57 by Rep. Paul W. Lee – to further provide for the salary of all circuit clerks in the Unified Judicial System based on the pay plan adopted by the personnel system of the Unified Judicial System.
HB62 by Rep. Ben Robbins – to provide a limited exemption to applicable building codes for certain nonprofit veterans’ organizations that acquire certain buildings under certain conditions
HB65 by Rep. Terri Collins – to increase the minimum amount for contracts subject to competitive bid from $15,000 to $40,000; to provide a legislative process for increasing the threshold dollar amount in the future based on increases in the Consumer Price Index
HB103 by Rep. Alan Baker – to authorize the use of up to eight weeks of sick leave for attending to an ill child for whom a petition for adoption has been filed and for attending to an adopted child.
HB157 by Rep. David Faulkner – to provide requirements for the use of iron produced within the United States for certain public works projects under certain conditions.
HB164 by Rep. Andy Whitt – to require students to complete a personal financial literacy and money management course before graduation; to provide for the creation and administration of a financial literacy examination; and to require the reporting of a summary of examination results to the State Department of Education.
HB210 by Rep. Rhett Marques – to provide an exception to allow an individual on active military duty, whose motor vehicle is registered in Alabama but who, as a result of his or her military assignment, is required to reside in another state, to satisfy the requirement for mandatory motor vehicle liability insurance by purchasing liability coverage in the state where residing on active military duty or assignment in an amount equal to or greater than the minimum amount required in Alabama.
HB238 by Rep. Wes Kitchens – to authorize the issuance of a distinctive motor vehicle license plate to benefit brain cancer research.
SB57 by Sen. April Weaver – to create the Alabama Loan Repayment Program for Nursing Education; to establish and describe the program; to provide for program funding from the Education Trust Fund.
SB90 by Sen. Steve Livingston – to exclude products under Chapter 2A of Title 20 from the producer value added sales and use tax exemption.
SB162 by Sen. Tom Butler – to increase the daily stipend for board members of the Alabama State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; and to authorize the board to increase the amount of the daily stipend at its discretion by rule.
SB169 by Sen. Gerald H. Allen – relating to the municipal business license tax; to specify that the definition of gross receipts does not include any excise tax imposed by the federal, state, and local governments.
SB199 by Sen. Arthur Orr – to prohibit an individual from picketing or protesting in certain circumstances; to allow counties and municipalities to adopt ordinances or regulations regarding time and noise regulations in certain circumstances and to provide criminal penalties for violations.
SB205 by Sen. Arthur Orr – to include additional entities, including tax increment districts, Alabama improvement districts, and cooperative improvement districts, as government units that may receive loans or financial assistance from the Alabama Transportation Infrastructure Bank; to reduce the minimum project cost to be eligible for assistance from the bank; and to further provide for the bank’s annual reporting requirements.
SB215 by Sen. Kirk Hatcher – to create the Healthier Homes Construction Practices Act which would authorize counties and municipalities to adopt procedures for the installation and activation of temporary-permanent electricity or temporary-permanent gas under certain conditions
SB222 by Sen. Sam Givhan – to revise the date the Legislature begins the regular session during the first year of the quadrennium to the first Tuesday in February; provide the Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee with additional time to review a contract and provide certain exceptions with regard to certain attorney contracts; provide further for the Legislative Council’s powers; provide for transfer of responsibilities to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate if a vacancy occurs in the office of the Lieutenant Governor; authorize the Code Commissionerto make non substantive revisions or deletions in the publication of legislative acts; revise the membership of the Legislative Council and duties of the LegislativeCouncil; revise when members of the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts are elected; repeal an obsolete provision authorizing the Code Commissioner to recompile the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and a provision relating to duties of the Legislative Council and Legislative Reference Service; repeal provisions relating to a contested election of a member of the Legislature; require the Legislative Fiscal Officer to provide a tax expenditure report biennially rather than annually; revise membership of the Permanent Joint Legislative Committee On Finances and Budgets to accurately reflect the standing committees in the House and Senate responsible for finance and budget matters.
Day 17
HB107 by Rep. Juandalynn Givan – only applies to Jefferson County; prohibits certain forms of street racing and exhibition driving; authorizes the Jefferson County commission to assess civil penalties for violations; authorizes the towing and impoundment of a motor vehicle for a violation.
HB108 by Rep. Juandalynn Givan – to further provide for the funding of the Jefferson County Cemetery Board.
HB113 by Rep. Danny Crawford – to establish a service of process fee for the service or attempted service of documents by the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office in the civil division of the circuit and district courts; to establish a fingerprint fee for fingerprinting certain persons and a local background check fee; to ratify and confirm fingerprint fees and local background check fees collected prior to the effective date of this act; and to provide for a booking fee to be imposed on each person booked into the Limestone County Jail and subsequently convicted of a crime, the collection of the fees, and for the distribution of the revenues derived from the fees.
HB165 by Rep. Bob Fincher – Relating to Randolph County; to authorize the establishment of voting centers; and to validate existing county voting centers.
HB166 by Rep. Parker Moore – to amend Section 2 of Act 2022-431 of the 2022 Regular Session, now appearing as Section 28-3A-13.3, Code of Alabama 1975, to revise the amounts of alcoholic beverages that may be sold curbside.
HB232 by Rep. Cynthia Almond – to amend Section 8 of Act 2011-660, 2011 Regular Session to further provide that crime prevention programs and the Behavioral Health Unit of the Tuscaloosa Police Department shall share in the disbursement of application fees from the pretrial diversion program.
HB233 by Rep.Cynthia Almond – to authorize the City of Tuscaloosa to join the Employees’ Retirement System of Alabama for its police and firefighter employees and transfer assets and liabilities of the existing Tuscaloosa Police and Firefighters Retirement Plan to the Employees’ Retirement System of Alabama as set forth in Chapter 27 of Title 36, Code of Alabama 1975.
HB261 by Rep. Susan Dubose – Applies to two and four year higher institutions of learning; to prohibit a biological male from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for females; to prohibit a biological female from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for males; to prohibit adverse action against a public K-12 school or public two-year or four-year institution of higher education for complying with this act; to prohibit adverse action or retaliation against a student who reports a violation of this act; and to provide a remedy for any student who suffers harm as a result of a violation of this act.
HB266 by Rep. Cynthia Almond – Relating to the probate code; to amend Act 2022-427, 2022 Regular Session, now appearing as Sections 43-8-213 and 43-8-215, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the jurisdiction of certain will contest proceedings that have been removed from the probate court to the circuit court.
HB272 by Rep. Ginny Shaver – to revise the criminal penalties for violations of fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement
HB276 by Rep. Ron Bolton – to provide for the acting sheriff when the office of sheriff of a county is vacant or when certain other circumstances exist in the county; and to repeal Section 11-5-5 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the county coroner serving as sheriff when the office of sheriff is vacant or when certain other circumstances exist in the county.
HB300 by Rep. Debbie Wood – Relating to Chambers County; to further provide for the expense allowance and salary of the Revenue Commissioner of Chambers County.
HB307 by Rep. Bon Fincher – Relating to Randolph County; to amend Sections 2 and 5 of Act 2021-307 of the 2021 Regular Session, relating to the coroner; to provide for the salary of the coroner effective at the beginning of the current term in order to implement Act 2021-301 as intended; and to provide that this act is retroactive and curative to January 16, 2023
HB310 by Rep. Brett Easterbrook – to create the Healthier Homes Construction Practices Act; to authorize counties and municipalities to adopt procedures for the installation and activation of temporary-permanent electricity or temporary-permanent gas under certain conditions
HB327 by Rep. Marcus Paramore – to establish an additional voting center in Pike County
SB99 by Sen. Sam Givhan – to increase the mileage reimbursement paid to jurors
SB100 by Sen. Arthur Orr – To amend certain sections of the Code of Alabama 1975;o further provide exemptions to the state procurement code; to further provide for the authority to make emergency procurements and the review of those procurements by the Contract Review Legislative Oversight Committee; to provide for the procurement of certain health professionals who provide services to the Medicaid Agency under certain conditions; to provide for the redaction of certain professional services contracts by the Attorney General; to further provide for the definition of professional services to include the management and administration of occupational licensing boards; to provide for the procurement of supplies, services, and professional services by district attorneys or sheriffs; to provide for the change of the name of the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer to the Division of Procurement; and to add Section 41-4-125.01 to the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the procurement of physicians retained to provide medical services to the State of Alabama.
SB197 by Sen. Arthur Orr – to require state agencies to take certain measures to prevent fraud before paying benefits to recipients.
SB225 by Sen. April Weaver – to allow a Department of Corrections law enforcement officer to assist any law enforcement agency with public safety.
SB239 by Sen. Larry Stutts – to repeal the Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Act of 2019, codified as Sections 20-2-300 through 20-2-302, Code of Alabama 1975, that provide for adoption of rules governing use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction and a standing working group to assist in drafting the rules.
SB241 by Sen. Bobby Singleton – Relating to Hale County; to amend Section 11 of Act 83-696 of the 1983 Regular Session; to repeal Section 12 of Act 83-696 of the 1983 Regular Session; to make effective the establishment of a consolidated and unified system of assessment and collection of taxes under the supervision of a county revenue commissioner as provided for by Act 83-696 of the 1983 Regular Session, now appearing as Subpart 2, Article 2, Chapter 33 of Title 45, Code of Alabama 1975.
SB256 by Sen. Tim Melson – Relating to any county where an agricultural authority has been incorporated pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 20, Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975; to provide, under certain conditions, for a portion of Tennessee Valley Authority in-lieu-of-taxes payments distributed to the county pursuant to Section 40-28-2, Code of Alabama 1975, to be distributed to the agricultural authority in the county to be used for the purposes of the authority.
Day 18
HB236 by Rep. Randy Wood – Relating to Calhoun County; to authorize the sheriff and commissioner of licenses to obtain and use a credit card for official uses.
HB362 by Rep. Ben Robbins – to authorize the Coosa County Commission to levy an additional issuance fee on the issuance or renewal of a motor vehicle or other vehicle license and registration with certain exceptions; to provide for the distribution of the proceeds from the fee to the county general fund to be used for ambulance service; to provide a referendum on this act; and to provide for termination of the fee under certain conditions.
SB85 by Sen. Arthur Orr – increases the salaries of public education employees
SB86 by Sen. Arthur Orr – to provide a one-time rebate of $105 for the promotion of general welfare.
SB87 by Sen. Arthur Orr – To make supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, from the Education Trust Fund to various agencies and entities a total amount of $2,787,667,309
SB88 by Sen. Arthur Orr – To make appropriations for the support, maintenance and development of public education in Alabama, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024
SB93 by Sen. Jay Hovey – To make an appropriation of $389,327 from the Education Trust Fund to Southern Preparatory Academy, formerly Lyman Ward Military Academy, in Camp Hill, Alabama for the support and maintenance of the educational program of the institution, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; to provide that the appropriation is subject to certain provisions of the Code of Alabama 1975; to require an operations plan and an audited financial statement prior to the release of any funds; and to require an end of year report
SB101 by Sen. Arthur Orr – To amend sections of the Code of Alabama 1975 relating to the Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, to provide additional definitions; to provide further for annual Education Trust Fund appropriations; to provide further for the distribution of revenues received in excess of appropriations; to create the Educational Opportunities Reserve Fund and provide for the funding and appropriations from the fund; and to repeal obsolete sections of the Code of Alabama 1975.
SB111 by Sen. Lance Bell – To make an appropriation of $1,069,234 from the Education Trust Fund to Talladega College in Talladega, Alabama for the support and maintenance of the educational program of the institution, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; to provide that the appropriation is subject to certain provisions of the Code of Alabama 1975; to require an operations plan and an audited financial statement prior to the release of any funds; and to require an end of year report.
SB262 by Sen. William M. Beasley – To make an appropriation of $13,151,435 from the Education Trust Fund to Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama, for the support and maintenance of the educational program of the institution, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; to provide that the appropriation is subject to certain provisions of the Code of Alabama 1975; to require an operations plan and an audited financial statement prior to the release of any funds; and to require an end of year report
SB267 by Sen. Donnie Chesteen – to create the Athletic Trainer Secondary School Incentive Program; to provide grants to local boards of education that meet certain requirements related to the use of athletic trainers in rural and Title I secondary schools; to authorize the Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers to adopt rules to administer the incentive program and the grant application process; to require grants issued from the incentive program to be provided as stipends to qualifying athletic trainers; and to limit each secondary school and athletic trainer to one grant per school year.
SB269 by Sen. Arthur Orr – to establish the K-12 Capital Grant Program within the Office of the Lieutenant Governor to provide grants to local schools to assist with capital project, deferred maintenance, or technology needs; to provide the purposes for which grant funds can be used; to establish the process for grant applications and approvals; to establish the K-12 Capital Grant Program Fund in the State Treasury; and to provide an effective date
SB276 by Sen. Sam Givhan – Relating to Madison County; to repeal Act 466 of the 1939 Regular Session and Act 435 of the 1978 Regular Session relating to the County Board of Barber Examiners; to abolish the County Board of Barber Examiners; and to provide that the practice of barbering in Madison County be regulated by the Alabama Board of Cosmetology and Barbering.
SB278 by Sen. JT ‘Jabo’ Waggoner – Relating to education; to create the Distressed Institutions of Higher Education Revolving Loan Program to be administered by the State Treasurer; to define “eligible institutions”; to authorize the State Treasurer to establish terms and conditions of loans; to require reporting of contract terms and on the operation of the program; to establish the Distressed Institutions of Higher Education Loan Program Fund in the State Treasury to receive appropriations from the Legislature for funding loans and loan repayments; and to provide for recovery of amounts due.