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Mo Brooks spreads grievance gospel against Alabama’s congressional delegation

Brooks claims that during his last term there were only “two Republicans you could count on” in Alabama’s delegation.

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks in a previous campaign video.
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In a recent interview, failed U.S. Senate candidate and former Congressman Mo Brooks, recently elected as Alabama Republican Party District 5 chairman, believes there is not much difference between Democrats in Washington, D.C., and Alabama’s congressional delegation. He also says that the majority of Alabama’s Republican leaders in the Capitol “can’t be relied on” with fiscal policy.

Brooks claims that during his last term in office, there were only “two Republicans you could count on” out of “nine congressmen and senators in Washington.” Brooks says only he and Rep. Barry Moore opposed big spending bills. So, who were the other unnamed ones that couldn’t be counted on? Brooks says only he and Moore, so that means, Reps. Jerry Carl, Mike Rogers, Gary Palmer, Robert Aderholt, Senators Tommy Tuberville, Richard Shelby, and Democrat Terri Sewell favor big government spending in Brooks’ telling.

Since losing his Senate bid last year, Brooks, rather than backing away from politics as he stated after his Senate defeat, has been on a revenge tour of sorts, vilifying ex-president Donald Trump and others who may not have supported his political ascendancy to the high status he believed he deserved. Brooks now appears to be allowing his personal grievances to color his political commentary as he seeks any and all venues to trash his fellow Republicans.

Later in the interview, Brooks says that among Alabama’s current congressional delegation, Tuberville and Palmer can be relied on “more often than not,” but as for Rogers, Aderholt and Carl, he considers them “big spending” Republicans. “That’s most of our Republicans you can’t rely on,” Brooks said.

And who does Brooks blame for the state of Washington? The voters. “So we, the people of Alabama, have contributed to this mess in a major way with what (sic) we send to Washington,” said Brooks.


Brooks concluded the jury is still out on Senator Katie Britt and Rep. Dale Strong, saying they are untested, but he shows no confidence in the rest. He saves his strongest ire for retired Senator Richard Shelby, whom he assaults as “the number one culprit; he’s probably more responsible for that $31 trillion in debt than anyone now living in America.”

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Brooks’ opinion of Shelby is rare among thinking individuals in Alabama and the nation’s Capitol. Political observers and the public almost universally acknowledge Shelby’s enormously positive contribution to Alabama and the United States.

Brooks seems to hold Shelby responsible for his humiliating defeat in his run for Senate, where Britt, a Shelby protege, bested him in 66 of the state’s 67 counties in a landslide victory.

Brooks continues to seek outlets that will air his bile against fellow Republicans, and radio talk show hosts appear willing to give him a platform to spread his grievance gospel.

Seemingly bitter and starved for attention, Mo Brooks portrays himself as the sole conservative in Alabama.

Bill Britt is editor-in-chief at the Alabama Political Reporter and host of The Voice of Alabama Politics. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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