Alabama ranks near the bottom in levels of patriotism, according to a recent nationwide report on patriotic feelings and actions among American citizens.
The analysis, conducted by WalletHub, evaluated levels of military and civic engagement through 13 relevant metrics, including average military enlistees per 1,000 civilian adults and shares of residents who participate in groups or organizations, to determine levels of patriotic sentiments in U.S States.
The analysis places Alabama at No. 43, below bordering states Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi, but ahead of Florida, which placed 47, according to the study.
Alabama does place among the top five states with the highest average of military enlistees, the analysis shows, but is ranked among the five lowest states for percentages of adults who voted in the 2020 presidential election and the lowest for Peace Corps volunteers per capita.
The analysis also suggests that political blue states fair higher in average levels of patriotic sentiments than red states, despite three out of the five highest-ranked states for patriotism — Alaska, Montana, and North Dakota –being definitive red states.
In a separate study conducted by Wise Voters this year, Alabama was positioned in the lower half of states for women in politics and last overall for women in the United States.