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Online job ads in April up 30 percent from ads in April last year

The monthly total of online job ads for April 2022 is up 1.8 percent with 41,315 new online ads.


Data collected and analyzed by the Alabama Department of Labor’s Labor Market Information (LMI) Division shows that as of April 2022, the yearly comparison of online job ads is 106,303, up 30 percent from April 2021. The monthly total of online job ads for April 2022 is up 1.8 percent with 41,315 new online ads.

The five occupations with the most online job ads continue to be for registered nurses, retail salespersons, supervisors of retail salespersons, sales representatives, and software developers with 16,965 ads placed for those occupations in April.

The HWOL data is compiled from all online job postings in the state, including those posted on the state’s free online jobs database,, and other sources, such as traditional job boards, corporate boards, and social media sites.

Twenty three percent of job ads have salaries of $75,000 and above; 19 percent have salaries in the $50-75,000 range; 19 percent have salaries in the $35-49,000 range; and 39 percent have salaries of $35,000 or under.

The top two employers posting the most online ads in April were UAB Health System with 1,496 and Huntsville Hospital with 1,363. The rest of the top 10 were: Walmart/Sam’s (1,077), Auburn University (598), Regions (579), Encompass Health (577), Baptist Health (527), East Alabama Medical Center (520), USA Health System (515), and University of Alabama (513).

This month’s HWOL Occupation Focus is Electricians.

This occupation installs maintains, and repairs electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. Responsibilities include connecting wires to circuit breakers and testing electrical systems or continuity of circuits, use a variety of tools or equipment to connect wires to circuit breakers, transformers, and other equipment. Electricians may also place conduit, pipes, or tubing, inside designated partitions, walls, or other concealed areas, and pull insulated wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between boxes. These occupations typically require training in a vocational school or an Associate’s degree and related on-the-job experience. The advertised median salary for electricians is $46,242. This occupation has Average Annual Openings of 1,250 statewide in Alabama

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