Gov. Kay Ivey on Wednesday awarded $10 million of the State Fiscal Recovery Fund from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to establish COVID recovery grants for emergency services providers. This program is an initiative of Ivey and the Alabama Legislature to provide support to Alabama’s emergency services providers that have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible applicants for this grant program are volunteer rescue squads, E-911 Boards and emergency services providers which are not an agency or department of a city, county, state or federal government.
“Alabama’s emergency service providers greatly supported our communities throughout the pandemic, often times putting their own lives on the line to provide rapid care. Now, we are in a position to return the favor and help them in their recovery efforts,” Ivey said. “I appreciate the Alabama Legislature for their partnership in making this critical funding available to our emergency service providers, and I encourage them to apply and utilize these funds to further invest in public safety services.”
The state of Alabama will offer grants in an amount up to $10,320 for providers that meet eligibility requirements. The application period for the Alabama Emergency Services Provider Grant Program will be open from noon April 27 through noon May 13, 2022.
Alabama received $2.1 billion in ARPA funds. The Alabama Legislature appropriated $136,796,346 of that to Alabama’s State Fiscal Recovery Revenue Replacement Fund with $10 million of these funds to be distributed to Alabama’s emergency services providers.
General information and application materials are available on the COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program Website: