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Katie Britt outraised Mike Durant by nearly five times in 1st quarter of 2022

U.S. Senate candidate Mike Durant’s loans to his campaign put him ahead of Britt’s total, however.

Katie Britt, left; Mike Durant, middle; and Mo Brooks, right.

Katie Britt’s campaign for the U.S. Senate raised more than $1.42 million in the first quarter of 2022, her campaign announced Monday, noting that most of that money came from Alabamians. 

Britt has raised $6.4 million since June 2021, according to the Federal Election Commission

“An incredible 84 percent of those funds have come from donors in the state of Alabama, underscoring the Alabama First message of Britt’s campaign and the grassroots energy of her candidacy,” Britt’s campaign said in a press release. 

Britt’s campaign noted that her competitor and Huntsville businessman Mike Durant, raised $291,000 during the first quarter of 2022, nearly fives times less than Britt’s haul during that time. 

Durant has brought in $457,999 in donations, and loaned his own campaign $6.8 million, according to the FEC, with a recent $2.65 million loan that push his total ahead of Britt’s by $850,000. 

“My family and I are honored and grateful that so many hardworking Alabamians are joining our conservative grassroots campaign,” said Katie Britt. “The momentum we’re seeing every day on the ground makes it clear that families across our state know that I will fight to put America and Alabama first, defend our Christian conservative values, and preserve the American Dream for our children and our children’s children.” 

Britt’s campaign at the end of March had $3.2 million in cash on hand. Durant’s campaign had $4.096 million on hand, according to the FEC. 

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U.S. Rep Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, has brought in $2.7 million in his bid for the Senate seat, and had $1.5 million in cash on hand at the end of March.

Eddie Burkhalter is a reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter. You can email him at or reach him via Twitter.

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