Gubernatorial candidate Lindy Blanchard celebrated the success of the Alabama Republican Party’s Winter Dinner and Winter Executive Committee meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Birmingham.
Blanchard spent Friday evening and Saturday with the hundreds of local volunteers from around the state who make the party a success. Leadership from the states’ steering committee met late into Saturday night.
“I couldn’t imagine anywhere more important to be than with those who are the heart and backbone of the Alabama GOP,” Blanchard said. “This wasn’t just an opportunity to meet and see the party’s senior leaders but also talk with the young people who are working at the meetings. I was glad to be able to listen to the attendees, ask questions, and answer the questions asked of me.
“I want to thank each and every volunteer as well as each and every attendee. I had a great time both Friday and Saturday, seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and talking with people about my vision for Alabama and why I’m running for Governor. I especially enjoyed hearing Dr. Alveda King Friday evening. She is such a wonderful speaker and a rare voice of hope, faith, and love in today’s world. I can only hope that more people will listen to her message and turn away from anger and hate.”
The Executive Committee is made up of 435 elected members who set the party’s rules and bylaws and generally oversee the operation of the Alabama Republican Party.
In addition to the Executive Committee, each district also met Saturday morning. Saturday’s activities began with a breakfast meet and greet, which was sponsored by the Blanchard for Governor campaign.
Blanchard is on the ballot in the Republican primary for governor on May 24. She is a wife, mother, businesswoman and philanthropist from Montgomery. She was appointed by President Donald Trump to serve as ambassador to Slovenia. She has never held elective office before.