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Mo Brooks: “Never Trump, Big Tech liberals … recruited Mike Durant”

“The one thing I would like to underscore in this regard is that these folks are clearly not conservatives,” Brooks said.

Mike Durant, left, and Mo Brooks, right.

During a recent campaign event, an audience member asked Senate candidate Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, his thoughts on an anti-Trump group, The Lincoln Project.

“I don’t know the nexus between the Lincoln Project and—I assume you’re talking about Mike Durant. I’ve read an article that alleges there is a connection,” Brooks said. “But I can go into a little bit more detail. But I’d recommend everyone go to That pretty well itemizes how a liberal, Big Tech group of gazillionaires recruited and helped organize the campaign of Mike Durant to run for the United States Senate.”

The Lincoln Project was born out of the “Never Trump” movement. The group spent millions in the run-up to the 2020 elections to deny then-President Donald Trump a second term. Now, the organization is reportedly backing more moderate, establishment candidates.

“And they have openly stated — and now from their vantage point, they said they like moderate Republicans, ok. And perhaps if you have the whole spectrum from far leftwing socialists over here to conservatives over here, you might can argue that these people are moderates in the middle,” Brooks continued. “But from the Republican spectrum, which is a subpart of the bigger spectrum, they’re liberals. They’re RINOs. But the More Perfect Union group, which is the name of their organization, they only support Democrats, and the three senators they model after are Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, Maine’s Susan Collins, and Utah’s Mitt Romney – all of whom are arguably Never Trumpers, all of whom are opposed to our MAGA agenda to some degree or another, all of whom – I think you could make a good argument – come from the leftwing of the Republican Party. Now they’re still [more] conservative than the socialists, don’t get me wrong, because there’s a big spectrum, whole political spectrum, and then the Republican spectrum. In my judgment, they do not represent Alabama’s values. In my judgment, they’re far too liberal for the state of Alabama.”

More Perfect Union’s political director, Zack Czajkowski, was formerly the political director of The Lincoln Project. He previously worked on the campaigns of President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Governor Terry McAuliffe, D-VA.

“More Perfect Union is operating in the state of Alabama under the name of Alabama Patriots PAC,” Brooks noted. “They have pledged $15 million to elect Mike Durant.”

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“The one thing I would like to underscore in this regard is that these folks are clearly not conservatives,” Brooks said. “Clearly, More Perfect Union is not conservative. And they say they’re going to put $15 million into this race. And I would submit to you, that as a logical inference, that they did their homework before they chose who they were going to recruit to run and help win. And in their judgment, Mike Durant fit their non-conservative requirement.”

“But please read the article,” Brooks concluded.

APR recently reported that former President Trump has been referring to Durant disparagingly as “The Lincoln Project” candidate 

According to APR sources, Trump also has questioned Durant’s character over Mike Durant’s handling of his father’s years of sexually abusing his own daughter, as reported by APR

The same day, Brooks on FM Talk 1065’s “The Jeff Poor Show” said that former President Donald Trump “understands, that in this particular race, you’ve got Never Trump, Big Tech liberals who recruited Mike Durant, and they are not the kind of folks that the president is very fond of.”

Brooks, Durant and Katie Britt will face off in the Alabama Republican primary on May 24. 

Bill Britt is editor-in-chief at the Alabama Political Reporter and host of The Voice of Alabama Politics. You can email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter.

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It would be safe to say she outworked Mo Brooks and Mike Durant combined three to one.


Both Durant and Brooks have watched their poll numbers spike and drop dramatically over the last six months. Britt has remained rather constant.

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