Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has switched his endorsement in the Alabama U.S. Senate race to Michael Durant, dealing a blow to the reeling Mo Brooks campaign.
Flynn, who received a presidential pardon to avoid jail time and advocated for a military coup to overturn the 2020 presidential election, had originally endorsed Brooks last June. At the time, Flynn was in Birmingham for a speaking engagement paid for by the Jefferson County Republican Club.
Now, though, Flynn has rethought his endorsement and determined that “Alabama doesn’t need another career politician.”
Instead, Flynn said in a written statement that Durant is “a battle tested patriot who puts political correctness aside and country above all else. That’s exactly what we need in the United States Senate and why I am proud to endorse his campaign.”
Flynn had the shortest tenure of any national security advisor, being forced to resign by former President Donald Trump after just 22 days. Flynn admitted to lying about his interactions with Russian officials, prompting Trump to push him out. Flynn later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those interactions. Trump pardoned him just before leaving office.
In the final days of Trump’s presidency, it was Flynn who pushed hardest for Trump to use the military. His idea: impose martial law, suspend the constitution, silence the media and hold new elections under military control. The idea was apparently too extreme, even for Trump, who has insisted that it was not seriously discussed.
What impact Flynn’s endorsement has on the Senate race is unclear. Currently, the field of three Republicans is pretty tight. Most recent polls show all three within the margin of error.
However, Brooks is fading quickly. His poll numbers are dropping and his inability to raise money is a problem. Meanwhile, Durant has his own money – and it’s a good thing, since his donations are somehow worse than Brooks’ – and seems to be gaining ground quickly. Katie Britt, former chief of staff for Sen. Richard Shelby, is currently a slight favorite, and she’s racking up campaign cash. Britt also has a number of major, in-state endorsements, including from the Business Council of Alabama and the Farmer’s Federation.