An Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee member submitted a ballot challenge Friday opposing U.S. Senate candidate Mike Durant’s run for outgoing U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby’s seat.
According to a copy of the ballot challenge obtained by APR, Paul Thibado, a member of the Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee and former chairman of the St. Clair County Republicans, objects to Durant’s candidacy, citing certain political contributions to Durant’s campaign and his “disrespect for women,” referring to the recent unearthing of allegations that Durant failed to back his sister after she alleged their father sexually abused her.
“There is no way I can have any respect for this man or support him as a Republican after he has so willingly displayed his lack of personal character, and has showed his disrespect for women.” Thibado wrote, likewise pointing to Durant’s support from moderate-conservative leaning political action committees.
According to several reports Durant is receiving financial support from the More Perfect Union political action committee, funneled via the recently formed Alabama Patriots PAC, which is a violation of federal laws against PAC’s coordinating during elections.
More Perfect Union has reportedly said that the PAC would commit up to $15 million to Durant’s campaign.
“I sent in the facts that I had found, that made me feel that this wasn’t a conservative Republican candidate,” Thibado said in an interview with APR Monday, mentioning Durant’s recent transfer of his company, Pinnacle Solution, to the employees.
“He’s totally capable of self-funding his [campaign],” Thibado said.
According to FEC filings from the fourth quarter, approximately 33 percent of Durant’s contributions originate from in-state sources, with the candidate submitting $4,160,000 in personal funds between October and December of 2021 to self-fund his campaign.
Thibado also took exception to one of Durant’s early campaign videos, which Thibado said suggested the candidate was chosen by God to run for U.S. Senate.
“He’s also implied that it’s divine intervention that he lives so he can run for this position,” Thibado said. “He just didn’t come across to me as a conservative Alabama Republican would be.”
The Republican primaries are scheduled for May 24.