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Governor Ivey, ADECA to award infrastructure grants to 51 Alabama communities

The grants total more than $18 million to help 51 communities across Alabama complete vital infrastructure projects.

Governor Kay Ivey gave remarks and participated in Wellborn Cabinet Expansion Ribbon Cutting Thursday August 26, 2021 in Ashland, Ala. (Governor's Office/Hal Yeager)

Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday will award Community Development Block Grants totaling more than $18 million to help 51 communities across Alabama complete vital infrastructure projects.

Joining the governor for the grant awards ceremony will be Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Director Kenneth Boswell, as well as mayors, council members and county commissioners from the communities receiving the grants.

The event is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Central Standard Time.

The Alabama Political Reporter is a daily political news site devoted to Alabama politics. We provide accurate, reliable coverage of policy, elections and government.

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