Life-long educator and conservative Republican, Priscilla Yother, announced her campaign for the Alabama State Board of Education District 6, citing the need for improved quality of education, support of parental choice, and her strong objections to the federal overreach into local education decisions.
“My passion has always been working with children. In doing so, I strived to create the best possible learning environment for my students to grow and become good citizens in their local communities. I look forward to bringing my experience and knowledge of public schools to the State School Board,” Yother said.
Yother, a longtime resident of Etowah County, has served as a public school elementary educator and principal for 36 years. She was privileged to serve as principal of Eura Brown Elementary, in Gadsden for 16 of those 36 years, where she helped thousands of students, teachers, and parents foster a quality and family-led education environment.
“In Alabama’s current K-12 system, there are many areas where we can improve the quality of education for our students. Alabama is facing an educational crisis in our elementary schools over grade-level reading and third-grade preparedness. As your State Board of Education member, I will work tirelessly to ensure the Literacy Act produces the results our students need. Additionally, by implementing the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP), Alabama is moving in the right direction for student proficiency in language arts, math, and science. However, we can do more for our students in our classroom curriculum,” Yother said.
“As your State Board of Education member, it is my top priority to ensure all students can attend class in person and be safe while doing so. Online learning has crippled our teacher’s ability to teach effectively, while mask mandates continue to hinder the social and learning processes of our younger elementary students. Students must always have the choice to freely attend school and allow the parents to decide what they believe is best for their child. Schools run best when parents have a say and bureaucracy is kept to a minimum,” Yother said.
“Lastly, we must enforce the ban on teaching Critical Race Theory in the classroom. The classroom is no place to teach hate and divisiveness. As educators, we must encourage and inspire our students. By setting our K-12 students up for success, our state will prosper as a result. That’s why I’m running to be your next State School Board member. I believe in our state and understand the importance of successful schools that create successful students.”